
Dollar Ben Presents: Operation Kid Brother (1967)

As part of our month of Morricone at the Texas Theatre, Dollar Ben Presents OPERATION KID BROTHER aka O.K. Connery, starring Neil Connery and several actors from the James Bond films. The film heavily features the work of the maestro Ennio Morricone and Bruno Nicolai, both doing incredible John Barry impressions.
Neil Connery portrays …….Neil Connery, whose brother is one of the most famous British spies. While he doesn’t possess the same spy acumen as his brother, he is an amazing plastic surgeon and…. hypnotist..?! This film has all the features of an Italian knock off, and pulls off some pretty interesting meta jokes about James Bond films. And there are loads of Italian beauties taking turns getting close to Neil while wearing impossibly poofy fashions. Don’t miss this weird one! You’ll definitely never see it on a big screen any where else but here!
Dollar Ben Presents features select picks from Ben Jousan, longtime programmer of Tuesday Night Trash, focusing on lesser known films, especially in the home video era or that were adjacent to greatness!
$10 // 9PM

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